Sunday, February 17, 2013

Week 3 Assignment

Assignment #1: Response to Article Readings

The articles that I read about Response to Intervention and The Assessment of Thoughtful Literacy in NAEP, they are very insightful to assessment situation. My son is in a special education and collaborative tea class. He had assessment in ELA because he needed the intervention to assist in his comprehension of text. I believe that intervention is necessary for more than just struggling children. The additional instruction that Mark received helped him to put his level of comprehension and fluency back in perspective. But, he needed the continued intervention, he needed to have the same effort placed in his future learning. The Assessment article described that the student should be familiar with the genre of reading, this allows the student to relate to the reading. They can draw the information from the characters because they relate to the reader or someone they know.

The results of the other states and the assessment percentages were interesting. The fact that California had the lowest testing rate compared to Texas, who had the highest were insightful to the education levels in the states. We all assume that we teach the same, but the different standards compete with the education gained in any state. I think that the Assessment article was expressing the demand that is needed in the education field for reading. I think that the RTI article expressed the fact that intervention is the best assistance to help a struggling or slightly in need student.

Assignment #2: Assessment to Measure Students' Outcomes

The assessments that are used to measure students' outcome are ones that really detail the needs or improvements of the students. Recording logs are used to determine the reading level of the students, and to maintain a progress report on the development. Also anecdotal notes would be good for all the sample tests that were presented. The teachers can use the anecdotal notes will help to observe and record the progression of the student over a time period.

Sample Lesson #1: The assessment that would be effective for this lesson is the Peer Assessment. The groups will be given a list of criteria to follow. They will evaluate the recordings of the other group, then they will record the evaluations. The teacher will collect all the information that is submitted by each group for their story assessment and the group assessments. The teacher will then put together a report on the information that is gained.

Sample Lesson #2: The assessment that would be good for this lesson would be the anecdotal notes. The teacher will take notes on each student during their presentation. This assessment will give information on the students that can be monitored throughout the year. The students will select the proposal that they want to present, then the teacher can use the comprehension and fluency that they put in the presentation.

Sample Lesson #3: The assessment that would be used for this lesson is to create a Blog to help with the podcast episodes. They can record the episodes to follow and they can describe how they created them. The progress of the project will be recorded in the blog and the students can create the blog in their own style.

Assignment #3: QRI5

  • The QRI5 is an informal reading inventory that measures the comprehension and word identification of the students, also what word they can not correctly identify.
  • The purpose of using the QRI5 is to pinpoint the students' reading levels, what the groups reading sessions can be arranged, or to select the appropriate reading materials.
  • I would say that the Running Records are similar to the QRI5.
  • I think that the QRI5 is a great way to assess may different aspects of reading for the students.

1 comment:

  1. I see that you are catching up with your work. One thing I noticed was that you have linked the wrong classmates to your blog list. Go to my blog ( and link the right classmates to your blog. Dr. Hsu :)
