Friday, March 15, 2013

Week 7 Assignment

Assignment #1:
I. Print Awareness:
Pre-test: I got 9/10 questions correctly, I have a good understanding of the concept of print awareness
Intro & In Depth: I learned that there are many different aspects of print awareness than just reading the book. You have to be able to identify the parts of the text that make up the book. Also, books are not the only form of print, the internet and any text that is read can be viewed to create print awareness.
In practice: The aspects of the book should be reviewed with the students, they should know all parts of the print for recognition. The information that is gained about the book (for one aspect of print) will give them print awareness.
Assignments: The class can develop their knowledge of the book by  the sample format provided or by your own method of teaching it:
1. I would allow one student to select a book to be read to the class.
2. Once the book is received, I would ask another student to come up to the front of the class to demonstrate the front, back, sides and inside flaps of the book.
3. The class will demonstrate their knowledge of the author, illustrator and the difference between words and pictures.
4. After the initial introduction of the story, we will establish the characters of the story, then proceed with reading the story.
5. When the story is finished, I will ask the students: what is the purpose of the characters, who is their favorite character, and what they consider the best part of the story.
6. The students will draw and write a summary of the story.
Post-test: I got 9/10 questions correctly, I changed one of the answers that were originally correct.

II. The Sounds of Speech:
Pretest: I received 9/10 questions correctly, I did not know that there were 40 sounds in the English language.
Intro & In Depth: I learned that there are 42-44 sounds in speech. The development of a word is created by the sounds that are created to make the words. Students that are struggling may be able to distinguish the sounds, but not be able to articulate the words. Also, if the student has a hearing or auditory problem it can be detected in their area of learning and assessment.
In practice: I like Activity #1, where the student uses his vocal cords to hear the vibrations in the words. This is an easy exercise to practice with the students. All age groups can practice this and get the feel of the phonemes in the words given.
Assignments: I would use the spelling words that they have to study, recording the sounds and allowing the students to state the number of phonemes.
Post-test: I received 6/10 questions correct, I need to work on phonemes and recognizing the number of them in words.

III. Phonemic Awareness
Pretest: I got 5/10 questions correct, I need to get a better understanding of phonemic awareness and phonologic awareness.
Intro & In depth: I learned that there is a difference between phonics and phonemic awareness. Also I have gathered information on the differences between phonologic and phonemic awareness. Phonemic awareness is a part of phonological awareness, which is the bigger picture. The importance of phonemic awareness is the fact that is helping the students learn to spell and read.
In practice: The students will have effective phonemic instruction with isolation, blending, categorization, segmentation, deletion, addition and substitution. Activities that incorporate these abilities are the most effective.
Assignments: I would try a game that had the words: it, at, an, in, and et. The students will select letters that will allow them to blend, add, and substitute. We will create a bingo board with the letters and words that will blend the words. Each child will get a board and some chips. The goal is to get BINGO with the word created from the phonemes.
Post-test: I received 8/10 questions, I need to get more experience with phoneme blending.

IV. Phonics
Pretest: I got 7/10 questions correct, I need to understand phonics more clearly.
Intro & In depth: I learned that phonics is very involved with the sounds and letter/vowel  combination, to create words. The student will learn to spell and read effectively. I learned effective phonics instruction to give to the class. I gained the knowledge of how to teach phonics: using synthetic, analytic, analogy-based, phonics through spelling, embedded, and onset-rime. I have the knowledge of the phonics terms: graphophonemic relationships, letter-sound association, letter-sound correspondence, sound-symbol correspondence, and sound spellings.
In practice: I learned that short books and stories are reading materials that are suggested.  Practicing to write also assists in the  effectiveness of phonics instruction. Systematic instruction can be more effective than non systematic instruction.  The students are learning about relationships between words and sounds; also letter/vowels and letter/sound combinations. Phonics instruction in the first and kindergarten levels can help prevent difficulties in reading.
Assignments: I am not in a classroom as of yet, but I would like to maintain a simple reading program that would encourage phonics.  Using websites that can incorporate  activities with spelling and minor reading passages.  The student will then write their own stories.
Post-test: I got 7/10 correct, I need to gain more knowledge of the terms of phonics.

Assignment #5:
Child Name: Keyno Coleman
Age: 5 years old
Grade: Kindergarten

I. Print Awareness

Lesson: I selected a book from the library, and the student demonstrated his knowledge of the book structure.

Results: Keyno was able to identify the front, back and inside cover of the book. He demonstrated the knowledge of the author’s name and the illustrator. He was slightly confused on what the title meant, but he was able to understand the meaning after the explanation was given.

II. The Sounds of Speech

Lesson: The student selected an ABC book, so we could review the sounds of the letters of the alphabet. We then created three to four letter words with the sounds of the letters.

Results: Keyno was able to sound out the letters of the alphabet effectively. He was also able to create words using different sounds. He was able to create:
/b/ /a/ /t/ - bat
/b/ /a/ /g/ - bag
/c/ /a/ /t/ - cat
/d/ /o/ /g/ - dog

III. Phonemic Awareness

Lesson: I gave the student 5 words to sound out and read:

After the words were read, the student then had to substitute with other vowels: i, a, o, and u

Results: Keyno was able to replace the vowels and recognize/read the new words. He also questioned the words that were unfamiliar to him.

IV. Phonics

Lesson: We used worksheets from the website, which allow the student to fill in the missing letters of the words selected. He also worked on rhyming words, where they had a root word, he selected the word that rhymed with the root word.

Results: Keyno was able to fill in the missing letters and select the correct word that rhymed.

Suggested websites:
1. : phonemic awareness and print awareness
2. : Phonics
3. : Sounds of Speech


  1. I enjoyed reading your work. I like the tasks you selected for your student. They are simple and level appropriate. It was nice to see the action factor website. I am quite familiar with it because it was one of the creative resources that our professor introduced to us in EDPC 620 :)

  2. Your assignments demonstrate your close evaluation of your understanding on the early literacy assessment. sound of speech and phonemic awareness. These components are essential to the children's literacy development and teachers' understanding of early literacy instruction. Recently greater attention has centered on early cognitive development, with an emphasis on language and literacy. Ongoing early literacy assessment will help teachers make informed instructional decisions for children with different needs. I love your careful analysis on your own learning progress and make connection of learning materials to the classroom instructional practices. Thank you for sharing these websites. Great job! :)
